Friday, December 15, 2017

Dvar Torah Parshas Mikeitz & Chanukah 5778

A Children's Chanukah Rally -  There's an important lesson we can learn from the candles that we light each night of Chanukah. This clip is an excerpt from JEM's new film, A Children's Chanukah Rally with the Rebbe.

Logic vs. Holiness

Chanukah - Bringing Light into the Home - Rabbi Avraham Reisman explains the connection between Chanukah and bringing peace into the home.

Vayeishev: Chanukah is for the 'Vatte' Cotton jews - Rabbi Shimon Semp, Monsey, NY

The Late Parsha Show

Chanukah - How to Break Through The Darkness of Our Lives - Rabbi Mendel Feigenson Chabad of Sugar Land

"Chanukah Isn't Just for Kids" - a Short Message by Rabbi Mintz

#ParshaSelfie Chanukah: How to Truly Live the Moment

Chanukah 5778 Rabbi Aryeh Royde - Hashem is fighting for you!

Parshas Mikeitz - Savannah Kollel

Parshas Miketz/Chanukah 5778: Adding it up - Rabbi Moshe Snow

Rabbi Fisch of Etz Chaim - Parshas Mikeitz

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