Friday, November 24, 2017

Dvar Torah Parshas Vayeitzei 5778

Money is a Ladder, climb it wisely. Rabbi Shimon Semp, Monsey, NY.

Rabbi Moshe Snow - The Bottle Opener

Rabbi Minkowicz Weekly Torah Lesson - This week the Rabbi answers the question: "What are healthy boundaries?"

Parshas Vayeitzai 5778 - Rabbi Aryeh Royde - Don't stop thanking for all your blessings.

Video Vort - Vayetze 5778 - Rabbi Etan Tokayer

Rabbi Yitz Wyne  - Be Grateful for the Extra Portion - When we realize that all the things that we get in our lives are truly gifts from the Almighty, we begin to live up to the name of the Jewish people "Yehudi" which also means thanks!

Vayeitzei: When is being a Nudnik good? Rabbi Shimon Semp, Monsey, NY.

Vayeitzei: What happens when you add "extra mitzvos" ... Rabbi Shimon Semp, Monsey, NY.

Vayeitzei: So when do things go South? Rabbi Shimon Semp, Monsey, NY.

Rabbi Mendel Feigenson Chabad of Sugar Land - Parashas Vayetze - Did I Marry the Wrong Person

Savannah Kollel

Rabbi Fisch delivers his insight on this weeks parsha

 Nesivos Shalom Vayeitzei

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