Monday, July 10, 2017

The Shlager Project: Motty Steinmetz "Leoiso Hazman"

לאותו הזמן ישבחו האומות את ישראל ראו מה שבחה של אומה זו
שדבקו בהקב"ה בכל התלאות שעברו עליהם
ולא עזבוהו, יודעים היו בטובו ובשבחו
(פירוש רש״י - דברים ל״ב מ״ג)

Translation: At that time, the nations will praise Israel, saying: "You see, now, what the praise of this nation is! That they cleaved to the Holy One, Blessed is He, through all the sufferings that befell them, and they did not forsake Him! They appreciated His goodness and His praise!

First single from The Shlager Project
"Leoiso Hazman"
by Motty Steinmetz

In addition to Mtty Steinmetz, The Shlager Project album will be featuring: Lipa, Yeedle, Dedi, Yishai Lapidot, Dovid Gabay, Avremi Roth, Shloime Cohen, Yoni Shlomo, Levi Falkowitz, Yosef Chaim Shwekey, Gad Elbaz, and Eli Herzlich. The album will be released IY"H in the coming weeks.

Click Here to listen to Dedi's sing "Vechozakto", off the Shlager project album .

Produced and Composed by Levik Touboul
Arranged by Moshe Laufer
Choirs by Zemiros Group
Mixed by Chaim Gotessman

Drums: Ran Vered
Bass: Arye Bercovitz
Piano: Yaron Gottfried
Guitars: Avi Singolda
Trumpets: Rafi Davidov, Gindi Litvak
Trombone: Shachar Livne
Woodwind: Peter Wertheimer
Strings: Eyal Shiloach and the Israeli Philarmonic Experience

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