Monday, May 29, 2017

Leonardo Farkas Distributes $100 Bills at The Kosel

YWN - Call it eccentric, but for people in the area on Thursday, 4 Nissan, they tried cashing in on the one hundred dollar bills.

In this video, we see Chilean philanthropist Leonardo Farkas at the Kosel distributing one hundred dollar bills to persons in the area. Needless to say, it did not take long for him to attract a crowd.

Farkas is no stranger to attracting crowds in similar stunts. In 2013 for example, he entered the “Grill on Lee” restaurant in Williamsburg on a random day, ate lunch, and then paid for dozens of people to eat lunch. He also gave each employee $400.

Farkas is known for his habit of distributing 5,000 peso bills to strangers on the street.

Farkas is in Israel where he attended Friday’s dedication of 180 Ambucycles to United Hatzalah.

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