Monday, November 14, 2016

Jews & the Mannequin Challenge

The Mannequin Challenge is a viral Internet video trend that started recently where people remain frozen in action while a video is recorded, usually with music in the background. It is believed the phenomenon of remaining motionless like mannequins was started by students from Edward H White High School in Jacksonville, Florida on October 26, 2016. The initial posting has inspired works by others groups, especially professional athletes and sports teams that have posted increasingly complex and elaborate videos.

Bar Mitzvah Mannequin Challenge - The very first Bar Mitzvah Mannequin Challenge.

Mannequin Challenge in the Israel Navy  - Our naval combat soldiers show us how it’s done.

Yerushalayim Dirah Mannequin Challenge

Hillary Clinton does the 'Mannequin Challenge' - Hillary Clinton's campaign released a video of the candidate and her staff utilizing a viral trend popular among teens to try and persuade people to vote.

Kars4Kids Mannequin Challenge!

Seasons Kosher Mannequin Challenge


Girls School

Melbourne Yeshiva College

Bruriah Shabbaton

MOE Mannequin Challenge

When the Band Stops Playing to Do the #MannequinChallenge

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