Annual Concert in memory of Shlomo Carlebach, at the Benyanei HaUma arena in Jerusalem. Performers included Ahron Razel, Yitzchak Meir, Udi Davidi, Chezki Sofer, Avi Miller and others. Motzie Shabbos Vayeira.
EssaEinai and Finale at Reb Shlomo's Yahrzeit Zits at Kever David Hamelech
Av Horachmon at Reb Shlomo Yahrzeit Zits at Kever David Hamelech with Yizschak Meir
Lecha Dodi at Reb Shlomo's Yahrzeit Zits at Kever David Hamelech with Yizschak Meir
Reb Shlomo Carlebach 22nd memorial concert 1/13 חזקי סופר הבדלה Chizki Sofer Havdalah
Reb Shlomo Carlebach 22nd memorial concert 3/13 ישראל נחמן ממקומך מלכנו Yisrael Nachman Mimekomcha
Reb Shlomo Carlebach 22nd memorial concert 2/13 חזקי סופר אליהו הנביא-Chizki Sofer Eliyahu Hanavi
Memorial service at the Kever - Tehillim
Memorial service at the Kever - Minchah
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