Friday, October 21, 2016

Simchas Beis Hashoeva 5777 Concerts & Singers

"Madua" composed by Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz, sung here by Ohad Moskowitz at the Tower of David in Jerusalem on Tuesday night, the second night of Chol Hamoed in Israel. MBD also performed at the event, benefiting the organisation Sulam for special needs children in Israel.

Benny Friedman - Shine A Little Light,  composed by Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz, with IDF Soldiers. You can help Yitzi shine a little light by giving what you can at - May he have a Refuah Shleimah speedily.

Benny Friedman singing Yesh Tikvah at  SBH in Chevron.

Simcha Leiner Live in Brooklyn College Sukkos 2016. At the Walt Whitman Theater. With the Yochi Briskman Orchestra.

Benny Friedman singing at  SBH in Chevron

SBH Chabad Pomona Monsey 5777 Wednesday night. Joined by Dovid Gabay and Sholom Boruch Blesofsky.

Yiddish Nachas Boys Choir Preforming 'Ki Ein' With Music By Mend Herskowitz Production - At The Hamaspik Concert On Chol Hamoed Succos 5777

8th Day & Beri Weber Concert Chol Hamoed Sukkos 5777

 חג סוכות תשע"ז - מאות בשמחת בית השואבה המרכזית בישוב רכסים  Benny Freidman and Berel Zucker

Nissim Black Performing In Sukkah Of Rav Shalom Arush

Lipa Schmeltzer Sings at Sukkah Of Mezibuzsher Rebbe

Zanvil Weinberger Sings at Simchas Beis Hashoeva In Spinka

Yehuda Glantz - Sukot 2016 - Jerusalem

Thousands Attend Gathering Of Moetzet Chachmei Hatorah (Shas). Shloime Cohen and Yaakov Shwekey perform.

Mordechai Ben David singing Eitz Chaim Hi

SBH CH 5777 1st night. Jioned by Avi Piamenta.

Dirshu Ramot Simchas Beis HaSho'evo at Rabbi Dovid Hofstedter with Rav Yermiah Damen

Boys Choir performs at Nachlas Chabad Rishon Letzion in Israel.

MBD singing "Chevron" in Chevron. (Audio on camera is not good).

  מוטי הכט וחברים מלווים את זאנוויל ויינברגר שמרגש עם שערי דמעות של אברהם פריד בארגון שלובות

 מוטי הכט ושרוליק קלצקין משמחים בארגון שלובות 'עם ישראל חי'

Benny Friedman talks to Arutz 7 in Israel

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