Friday, April 08, 2016

Dvar Torah Parshas Tazriah

Rabbi Benny's Hilarious Torah Thought - The One With the Fungus - Tazriah - If the portion speaks about such a severe impurity as Tzara'as, then why would the portion be called with the name Tazria, which refers to conception and life?!

Saved by a Sorry - An accident at a bus stop nearly ends in tragedy, but a life is saved due to a small act of politeness just moments before. Oorah's Thursday-Thought series continues with a thought-provoking look at the Torah portion of this week, Parshas Tazria, featuring Director of TorahMates, Rabbi Chaim A. Reichman.

Parashat Tazriah - Laibl's 60-Second Message
• The Parsha speaks abut a strange health challenge called Tzara’at, which is unknown today
• Health challenges provide opportunities for reflection and introspection.
• The body reflects the mind and heart – our thoughts and feelings connect to the cellular activities of the body.
• Positive disposition, positive emotions, positive thoughts contribute to a healthy body.

Rabbi Aryeh Royde - Parshas Tazriah

Tazria - positive speech: Weekly Insights with Rabbi Lankry - The gift of speech is an incredible gift that G-d bestowed upon mankind. But with such a gift, comes a very great responsibility. Misusing speech can have incredibly negative ramifications, just as positive speech can have an incredibly positive effect. In this week's parsha, parshat Tazria, Rabbi Lankry presents this powerful concept of positive speech and our responsibility to uphold it.

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