Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Uziya Tzadok's Historical Performance of "K'Shehalev"

Israel's Channel Two’s "School of Music" or "Beit Sefer L’Musica" junior talent show competition reached its final stage just over a week ago, with our very own 13-year-old Uziya Tzadok from Avnei Chefetz in the north of the Shomron, crowned as the winner of the third season.

“Beit Sefer L’Musica” is a reality television show. Children with extraordinary musical abilities compete in a format similar to other known singing competitions.

Uziya Tzadok, sings "K'Shehalev Bocheh" live at the finale of "Beit Sefer L’Musica." This may very well be the greatest performance by a child soloist ever recorded.

A clip from the very first episode of the show where Uziya tells us a little bit about himself and his family.

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