Friday, November 06, 2015

Dvar Torah Chayei Sara 5776

Rabbi Minkowicz of Chabad of Southwest Florida with a Dvar Torah on Parshas Chayei Sara. This week the Rabbi answers the question: "How do you know when something is Holy?"

Rabbi Benny's  Torah Video - The One for Old Geezers - Chayei Sara
After describing Avrohom Avinu as "old and coming into his days" in last week's Torah portion, why does the Torah repeat the same phrase again, 37 years later? Watch Rabbi Benny's hilarious Chassidic explanation on what the aging process is supposed to be like according to the Torah.

Rabbi Aryeh Royde - Parshas Chayei Sarah

Laibl's 60-Second Message - Parashat Chayei Sara
A Grave is the Soul’s Address After Death
• Abraham goes to great lengths to purchase the Cave of Machpela in Hevron as a burial plot for his wife Sara
• When a person dies the Nefesh level of the soul remains connected here on earth

Parshas Chayei Sarah 5776by Rabbi Moshe Snow of Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park

הרב מוטה פראנק - פרשת חיי שרה - סגולה לשידוך - Rav Mota Frank - Chayei Sarah - Segulah Shidduch (Yiddish)

The Video Vort is a D'var Torah on the Parsha by Rabbi Etan Tokayer of the Kingsway Jewish Center in Brooklyn, New York.

Rabbi Yehuda Stern of The Sydenham Shtibel in South Africa.

Chayei Sarah 2015 - 5776: In The Middle Of The Day

Rabbi Rabin of Melbourne, Australia.

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