Thursday, February 12, 2015

Ben Shapiro: Why Jews Vote Leftist?

Ben Shapiro takes a clear-eyed look at why American Jews vote for the anti-Israel Left.


cool masmid said...

Sad but true!!!!

Unknown said...

Anti-semitic video

Unknown said...

Very much intolerant of non-main-stream Orthodox Jews Loshon Hora

Unknown said...

Sad and not my opinion!!!

Unknown said...

I disagree. Am Yisroel Chai. We are and will remain a holy unified nation.

Unknown said...

Am Yisroel Chai. Jews are holy.

Mark Levin said...

He is spot on!!!

A liberal jew is a liberal first and maybe a jew.

A jewish conservative is a jew first and only then is he politically conservative.

Anyone that didnt like what was said should do a self examination of what their religious beliefs are.