Thursday, November 13, 2014

SCHI Auction Winner 5 Minutes in Toy Store

This past summer, SCHI (School for Children with Hidden Intelligence) hosted an evening of entertainment for ladies to raise funds to benefit their special students. On May 11th, thousands of women flocked to the auction to show their support for SCHI.

A live Game Show, the first of its kind to grace the stage of a women’s auction, gave participants a chance to win over $15,000 of prizes. The event was hosted by comedian Malky Knopfler, Mrs. Elazary and Mrs. Stroh.

One of the many unique prizes, was a five minute shopping spree at Toys for Thought. The winner would be granted a chance to shop to her heart’s content.

The lucky winner, was Mr. Abramson of Lakewood. Last night, he redeemed his prize and went on a shopping spree, as his family waited with bated breath for the results of his exciting experience

HT : TheLakewoodScoop

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