Selina O’Meara of Nenagh, Ireland was babysitting her godchild Liam and his older brother Luke. The professional photographer decided to snap a few photos of the kids as they ate beans and toast.
“Luke was putting all of the beans in the bowl (on his toast),” O’Meara tells us. “I thought, ‘This is gonna go wrong.’” Sure enough, moments after hitting record, young Liam takes a tumble off of a ledge in the kitchen. Not five seconds later, Luke hears a sound in the background. “The ice cream…” he yells, not able get the word “truck” out of his mouth before falling out of his chair. O’Meara begins laughing before exclaiming “Oh my G-d!” as she pans down to see Luke crying his eyes out.
“He was okay,” she said. “The chairs aren’t really that high.”
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