Sunday, September 14, 2014

Slippery Squirrel

From the author: "The Rock Squirrel has been raiding our bird feeder, carrying away pounds of seed. Nancy figured a quick solution. I don't know which is funnier, the squirrel or Nancy's narration.

For anyone who is concerned about the squirrel, he still raids our other two feeders and the vegetable garden. The tiny amount of Vaseline used is non-toxic, the kind used for lip balm. He quickly learned that this feeder was not worth the trouble, so we have not put more on the pole, and the birds are delighted to actually get some of the bird seed."

Chassidic Master Rabbi Zusha of Anipoli said: "I learned seven things from the thief:

1) What he does, he keeps to himself.
2) He is willing to take risks to attain his goal.
3) He does not distinguish between 'major' and 'minor' things, but takes equally exacting care of each and every detail.
4) He invests great effort in what he does.
5) He is swift.
6) He is always optimistic.
7) If at first he fails, he is back time and again for another try."

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