Thursday, July 17, 2014

New Born Baby Named After Israeli Teens

A newborn in Brooklyn was named after the three Israeli teens who were recently killed.

Eyal Gilad Naftali is just shy of 2 weeks old, but he already represents so much for the Jewish faith. On Monday at the newborn's Bris, the baby was named in honor of the three Yeshiva students who were kidnapped in Israel and killed a few weeks ago.

The baby's father, Yankee Teitelbaum, says he hopes the names will represent unity and peace. His wife, Binah, says it allows the boys' legacies to live on. Of the Teitelbaum's five other children, two of them are named after terrorism victims.

Their daughter, Shalhevet, was named after a baby girl who was killed in Israel in 2001. Their son, Ehud-Daniel, was named after an Israeli soldier and an American soldier who both died a few years back.

The family placed a special phone call to Israel to Racheli Fraenkel, the mother of slain teen Naftali Fraenkel. Fraenkel says she is touched that her son's name will live on in this baby, and hopes peace will come soon.

Click Here for an earlier post from the Bris.

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