Sunday, May 18, 2014

Lag B'Omer Hadlakos Around The World

Thousands of Jews filled the streets late Saturday night to celebrate Lag Baomer. The events marked with a large bonfire, song and dance, The evening celebrates the life and commemorate the passing of Rabi Shimon bar Yochai.

A montage of clips from previous years at the holy Rashbi's Kever in Meron.

Boro Park - Nikolsburg

Kiryas Joel, Satmar with the Rebbe Rav Ahron Teitelabuam.

More of Kiryas Joel

Kiryas Joel - Satmar

Meron 5774

Almost 3 hours of footage from this year's celebration in Meron.


Kosel Hamaaravi

Beit Shemesh

Boro Park - Belz 43th St.

Melbourne, Australia - Kehilas Adas Yisroel

Lakewood. NJ - Stolin

Monsey. NY - Borov Shul

Sanhedria, Jerusalem, Israel

Toldos Aharon

Pinsk Karlin

Rachmastrivka Rebbe

Dushinski Rebbe

Toldos Avrohom Yitschok

Breslov's Rabbi Shechter

Gava"d Yerushalayim R' Tuvia Weiss

Viznitz Bnei Brak - Reb Mendel Hager

Lelov Nikolsburg

Bnei Brak

Givat Mordechai, Jerusalem

White Shul Far Rockaway NY

Modi'in Illit

Fireman extinguishes the  Bais Shmuel bonfire in Crown Heights.

(בני ברק תשע״ד חסידי האדמו״ר מרחמסטריווקא רוקדים לשירי בר יוחאי. (חזון איש פינת האדמו״ר מגור

הר פונוביץ

A lonly Jew in an undisclosed location.

בחצר הקודש וויסלוי Tel Aviv

גבעת מרדכי

גבעת מרדכי 2


Rikud HaPenguin

Public transportation on Lag B'Omer night in Israel.

הכנסת ספר תורה לציון שמעון הצדיק בל"ג בעומר תשע"ד

Bnei Brak

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