Saturday, May 03, 2014

Boy Saves Drunk Guy Struggling To Climb Fence

Hilarious footage captures legless Russian trying to take shortcut over a fence and failing miserably… only for a child to walk through a giant gap seconds later

As this Russian man walked home after a few too many drinks, he was faced with a problem.
Between him and his final destination was a fence. But he was determined to not let it stand in the way, and proceeded to try and tackle the obstacle.  The hilarious footage, captured from a window overlooking the metal railings, shows the unidentified man trying to climb through a tiny gap.
After struggling to get through to the other side, the legless individual pulls his leg back and looks for another opening.

He then scales the fence, perilously holding onto each bar, before jumping up to try and climb over. After numerous attempts at pulling himself up and on to the other side, he momentarily gives up.
Then, he sees a child walk calmly through a large passage in the fence, carrying two shopping bags. The drunk man, realising this was the easier option, then follows suit, and continues on his way.

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