Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Two-Year-Old's Car Wash Reactions

The sheer panic felt by a child experiencing a drive-thru car wash for the first time is captured in an adorable new home video.  Max Gibbons from Honolulu, Hawaii, filmed his two-year-old daughter sat on the back seat of the family vehicle as it was scrubbed clean by noisy brushes and high-powered jets.  The toddler quickly pulls a blanket over her head squealing 'no... no car wash' as the vehicle enters the cleaning contraption and as the sunlight disappears her yelps turn to small sobs.

From The Uploader: My daughter had a pretty adorable reaction to the automatic car wash. It was her first time through -- we tried coaching her beforehand so she'd be ready and not scared. Did not work. And don't worry -- she's pretty happy by the end and made a full emotional recovery.

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