Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Is Russia & Ukraine at the Brink of War?

Kerry Heads to Kiev after Russia's 'Declaration of War' - John Kerry calls actions of Russia a "brazen act of aggression," says White House is "considering all options."

Scenes From Ukraine - Russian helicopters, warships, and unmarked soldiers occupy Crimea as Ukraine recovers from bloodshed in Kiev.

Would Ukraine's military stand a chance? - Russia's armed forces number 774,500; Ukraine has just 139,000 troops. Could Ukraine stand a fighting chance?

Will European allies back U.S. sanctions against Russia? - Fareed Zakaria says European interests in Russian energy and financial resources will temper support for sanctions.

Obama: Ukranians should decide own future - President Obama comments on the crisis in Ukraine at a press conference on the 2015 budget.

Obama: We need to deescalate this crisis - President Obama comments on the crisis in Ukraine at a press conference on the 2015 budget.

U.S. considers steps to isolate Russia - Jake Tapper and Brigadier Gen. Kevin Ryan discuss the United States' move to halt all military cooperation with Russia.

Kerry Tours Kiev's Independence Square - CNN's Jake Tapper and Matthew Chance discuss Secy. of State John Kerry's tour of Independence Square in Kiev.

Putin threatens more military action - CNN's Jake Tapper and Phil Black discuss Russian President Vladimir Putin's statement defending the invasion of Ukraine.

Ukrainian warship headed to Black Sea - CNN's Ivan Watson follows a Ukrainian warship as it heads to the Black Sea.

Pressure Mounts as Russian Troops Take Control of Crimea - The crisis in Ukraine has become the most serious confrontation with Russia since the cold war.

Ukraine Crisis: Russia Seizes Control of Crimean Peninsula -  Ukrainian troops trapped in their bases by foreign soldiers and pro-Russian crowds.

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