Monday, December 02, 2013

Williamsburg Chasidic Man Is Latest Victim Of Knockout

New York city police are probing if a Hasidic man from Williamsburg is the latest victim of the “Knockout Game” phenomenon after he reported being randomly targeted and punched while walking on a Williamsburg street Sunday night.

26 year-old Eli Leidner said he was punched by both a man and a woman at 10:20 p.m. Sunday at the intersection of Bedford Avenue and Taylor Street. Leidner said he was not seriously hurt, but a relative added that he believed Leidner was targeted because he is Jewish. Sunday night’s punch-out brings to a total of 10, the number of attacks that have recently taken place in the city, with the majority of the victims being Jewish.

Police have not rushed to call this incident to be part of the knockout games, but labeled it so far assault and possible a hate crime. no arrests have been made.

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