Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Black Man Claims Attack By Chasidim In Williamsburg

A 22 year old black man who had been partying with friends in the early morning hours last weekend told police that it was a group of over a dozen Chasidic men who beat him, “They came up behind me, they grabbed me, they punched me in the face, kicked me down, knocked me out,”

The alleged attack took place at 4:45 AM at 475 Flushing Avenue in Williamsburg.  Police sources confirmed that Patterson suffered lacerations and bruising to his face and was treated at Woodhull Hospital.

NY Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who represents the Borough Park section of Brooklyn, told WNBC TV, “something obviously happened” to Patterson, but the allegation was “bizarre.”  It “sounds so out of character,” Hikind said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i knew this was coming