Sunday, September 01, 2013

Crisis in Syria - Sunday Sep 1

Syria, Israel Respond to President Obama's Statements - Assad's regime celebrates America's retreat while Israel worries about the long-term implications.

John Kerry on Fox - September 1, 2013 - John Kerry appeared on Fox News Sunday to discuss the Syria attack and told host Chris Wallace that President Barack Obama's decision to seek congressional approval for military intervention in Syria would reinforce such action.

'ThisWeek': Crisis in Syria - ABC News' Martha Raddatz, Jonathan Karl and Terry Moran report the latest on Syria.

Message from PM Netanyahu.

Peter King, Jim Inhofe Congress Will Vote No on Syria Strike.

Secretary of State John Kerry 'This Week' Interview: Obama's Plan for Syrian Military Strike - Secretary of State John Kerry on President Obama's military strike plan for Syria.

The Syrian Threat: 'This Week' Panel - Christiane Amanpour, Pierre Thomas, Martha Raddatz, General James Cartwright and Vali Nasr on Syria.

President Obama's Syria Strike Plan: 'This Week' Panel - Martha Raddatz, Ret. Gen. James Cartwright and Vali Nasr on U.S. strike plans on Syria.

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