Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Boyaner Rebbe Visit to Eastern Europe 2010

Historic Journey Of The Boyaner Rebbe Shlit''a To Kivrei Tzadikim In Eastern Europe. 2010.


Anonymous said...

thousands of jews got murdered in germany.and the rebbe rolls up in a bmw

Anonymous said...

only thousands ?

Jack said...

to Anon Thursday, August 08, 2013 1:24:00 AM:

What's your point?

Anonymous said...

The boyaner rebbe is very holly im sure he didnt arange to picked up in a german car and he prob didnt know that its offensive to the yidden that got killed by the germans yemach shemom

Anonymous said...

i got news for you your washing machine and mixer are also most probably from a german company

stop the hypocrisy NOW