Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Cross Country Cyclists Skydive A cross-country bike trip to benefit children with special needs.

Cyclists: Yitzchok Smith, Dovi Gross, Efraim Shaw, Yaakov Hawk, Zion Giahn, Menachem Korf, Zvi Goldberg, Noam Katz, Mendel Myers, Martin Gordon, Mordy Sternman. Support Staff: Nissan Kornfeld, Sholom Ber Lew, Shmaya Grossbaum. Director: Mendel Groner.

5 Cross country cyclists go skydiving.

Filmed by Shmaya Grossbaum. Edited by Menachem Korf and Shmaya Grossbaum


Anonymous said...

Zvi ur awesoem

pundi said...

chai lifeline is a phenomenal organization, I owe them a lot, the little what they do means a lot to me and my family הקב"ה ישלם שכרם