Thursday, February 14, 2013

"The Harlem Shake" Jewish Version

"The Harlem Shake" is an Internet phenomenon based on viral videos that began to gain popularity in February 2013, following the release of a video on YouTube. The phenomenon spread due to people's efforts to replicate the video. The videos feature the song called  "Harlem Shake" recorded in 1981 and a dancing style.

Normally, each video begins with one person (often masked) dancing to the song alone, surrounded by other people unaware of the dancing individual. When the bass drops, the camera transitions to the entire crowd doing the dance, often wearing crazy outfits or costumes while wielding strange props. The success of the video was attributed to its break out moment and short length.

The Jewish community has had their own share of participation in the phenomenon. Watch below.

"Harlem Shake" Bochur Style

Harlem Shake Yeshiva Style

RAP-CITY Harlem Shake

Harlem Shake JEC (The Elizabeth Shake)

Hillel Torah at its finest

Israeli boys.

Melech AZA of Maryland

The Harlem Shake (The Zone edition)


Anonymous said...

Please take these off. They are a chillul hashem.

Anonymous said...

i totally agree with anonymous

Anonymous said...

its not so bad

Anonymous said...

Very sad that we have become so influenced bij viral media and copy without thinking. Indeed a chillul Hashem.