Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Crown Heights Dad Cuts Coupons To Help Yeshiva

Crown Heights dad Nechemia Newman found a very clever, but labor-intensive, way to help his community — discarded box top coupons.“We’re talking truckloads, literally. Each bag holds hundreds and we’re talking about 75,000 of them. It was real work over time,” Newman said.Trying to help his son’s Yeshiva and four other private schools around Brooklyn make repairs, Newman turned to the square clip-outs. A tedious, yes, full proof way to bring in some extra cash for education.

At least, that’s what he thought.“I believe they were supposed to send out a check in December,” Newman said. “On the website they had already shown that they weren’t going to give the schools that money. That’s when we got in contact with them, but they kept saying they were looking into it.”But “looking into it” is all the makers of these Scott bath tissues have done since Newman was able to get teams of parents and his family to help cut out the coupons. He says what should have equaled out to tens of thousands of dollars has instead turned in to a community scandal of David and Goliath proportions.Meanwhile, spokesmen of the company have gone on record saying they are taking this time to figure out if the coupons were gathered correctly


TheMaven said...

Truly inspiring, What A great father, and great school parent.
I hope he wins the case.

sara said...

that was a lot of work....

Anonymous said...

wow! how nice!!!!

Anonymous said...

"I went to shake his hands and he says, oh, I'm orthodox..."

Lucky Wolf said...

There seems to be a glitch in the recording. At the 0:14 mark you can hear the reporter speak how she went to shake his hand but he said he was orthodox...
