Thursday, January 10, 2013

Rare Snowstorm Paralyzes Jerusalem

The worst snowstorm in 20 years shut public transport, roads and schools in Jerusalem on Thursday January 10 2013, 4 to 6 inches of snow had piled up in the city centre, Elisha Peleg, an official in charge of emergencies with Israel’s municipality for Jerusalem, urged the city’s residents to remain at home and stay off the streets, telling Israel Army Radio the area had overnight seen its greatest snowfall since 1992. click here for photos


sara said...

its not a joke the whole thing is shut down at least where i live i know people who davan shachris at the kosel for 30/40 years and today was the first time they didn't go

Belfor Tucson said...

It's pretty crazy how much it snowed everywhere not just Jerusalem