Thursday, January 24, 2013

Chai Lifeline: Williamsburg Shabbaton & Chazan Shtark

Chai Lifeline: Achim Beyachad Boys Williamsburg Shabbaton 2013. Yiddish speaking campers and their counselors enjoyed a Shabbos to remember in Williamsburg. Energy, dancing, and a world-class Rose Castle Melava Malka with a band made the weekend complete.

Special thanks to the Hollender family for hosting and all the volunteers for the countless hours and tremendous work they put in to making the weekend a smashing success.

Chazan Yakov Yosef Stark sings for the crowd.

Kid Juggling

Menachem Moskowitz Sings

Kids Perform A March


Anonymous said...

Well Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

no one in does days are doing it better then him!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

does someone knows who's piece this is?? beautiful!!!!!!