Saturday, January 12, 2013

Arabs Abuse Chasidic Boys in Jerusalem

A groupf od Arab youth harass two Chasidic Jews in Jerusalem right outside Shaar Shchem (Dasacas Gate). Makes The capital of the Jewish people look more like Europe during the 1930's. Another reminder that no matter where we live we are still in Golus.

Arutz 7 Reports: "A disturbing video began circulating on Facebook Saturday evening. It shows a group of about 20 Arabs ganging up on two helpless Hareidi Jews, kicking one of them, hurling snowballs in their faces and humiliating them. At one point, one of the Jews falls to the ground, apparently slipping on the ice as he is chased up some steps. The attack apparently took place near Shechem Gate. The Jews were most likely on their way back from praying at the Kotel. Border Police who are usually stationed in the area are nowhere to be seen.

Many find the scene reminiscent of 1930s Germany, at least in terms of the Arabs' sheer gall and feeling of invulnerability. "


Anonymous said...

Timche zecher Amalek

Anonymous said...

Could we please stop invoking the Nazis for anyone other than actual Nazis, Thank You !