Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Jewish Star Singing Competition Auditions Promo

Live audision in front of the judges. On February 17th and 18th, At the Manhattan Beach Jewish Center, 60 West End Ave, Brooklyn NY.

Judges are rotating and include: Lipa, Gad Elbaz, Yeedle, Yossi Green, and Yehuda Solomon. Host is Modi

"Wanna be a Jewish Star" Written and performed by NACHAS. Musical production: Ruli Ezrachi
Produced by Danny Finkelman. Executive producers: Yossi and Mica Soffer. Director of photography: Sean Sinderbrand. Sound: Michael Puro. Israel shoot: Shlomo Chaim Rivkin California shoot: Ron Widerberg. A Sparks Next production.


Anonymous said...

in a way i feel this is a great thing because we get some jewish entertainment, on the other hand wat has it come to that we have to copy the goyish 'american idol' this advertisment proves it

A.L.W. said...

u see ur watching american idol, now u can start watching jewish star, & how about all jews that wanna sing, & turn famious?