Sunday, December 16, 2012

Youngest Slaughtered was Jewish - Father Puts on Tefillin

Lenny Pozner, Father of Noah who was Killed in the Sandy Hook School Massacre Puts on Tefillin with Rabbi Yisrael Deren, Chabad Shliach of Connecticut.

6-year-old Noah Pozner, was the youngest victim of Friday's deadly shooting at a Connecticut elementary school. He was remembered by the congregation of Temple Adath Israel Sunday. (Dec. 16).


Dave said...

How does Chabad put on tefilin on an ONEN. In order to get publicity they transgress everything in yiddishkeit.

Anonymous said...

Why is chabad putting on tefilin on an onen????

Anonymous said...

perhaps it was after the funeral.

Chaim said...


Your hatred to a whole other sect of Jews is quite obvious.

Perhaps it is time you take a look at yourself to see where this hatred comes from.

You ask a good question. However, for several reasons Daas Torah said it was Muter and consequently Mechuyev to put Tefilin on this man.

Anonymous said...

dave chabad is one of the stongest parts judaism im sure they got a heter and besides who r u to judge...if u want to air out ir dirty laundry go for it but dont air it out on chabad who is there for every jew from anywhere no matter what background so pls think before u go spewing nonsense