Friday, December 14, 2012

President Obama Celebrates Chanukkah at White House

Thursday’s celebration included the reciting of traditional prayers and the lighting of candles in a 90-year old menorah from a temple in Long Island, N.Y., that sustained heavy flooding during Superstorm Sandy. Larry Bazer, Joint Forces Chaplain for the Massachusetts National Guard, Lit the Menorah.

"Attending the White House Chanukah reception is in many ways an affirmation of the how far the American Jewish community have come from the days of the pleading Rabbis on behalf of European Jewry who were refused entry through its front gates during the dark days of the Holocaust. Having a Glatt Kosher reception is indicative of how far Orthodox Jewry has come--and that is truly a miracle", said Ezra Friedlander, CEO of The Friedlander Group who attended the reception at the White House.

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