Monday, December 10, 2012

Orthodox with Unique Jobs

Jew in The City announces the first inaugural class of Orthodox Jewish All Stars. See them talk about balancing professional and spiritual success and debunk the myths that all Orthodox Jewish men are rabbis and that Orthodox Jewish women aren't allowed to work.


Anonymous said...

very inapropriate!
(thats besides it being not tznius)

Anonymous said...

why are these people call all stars? because they hob-nob in secular culture?
so lame.

Anonymous said...

this is a really good video! why is it not tznius? I think it's inspirational.

Anonymous said...

This where you really don't want FFB adolescents getting influenced by those in the Kiruv field who try so hard to portray an image of glitz and glamor within Orthodox Jewry. What is the world coming to?

Anonymous said...

Learn how to spell.

Anonymous said...

when the video zoomed out of the clip of Mendy Pellin's comedy to get the woman's response and she said "it's not" i thought she was in middle of her sentence and was going to end off "funny", which would've been a pretty accurate observation...