yu yu what do you think happend with the bucherim that get throwen out of yesheva for stupidity? this!!!! take a good look this is the future its only getting worse not better
there is nothing wrong with using non jewish music for a jewish theme - mbd did it, and many chassidish niggunim have done it in the terms of old european folk songs! however the dancing like a yob off the street at, and the barely unrecognisable style of singing and music.. theres a difference between that and how some jewish music sounds these days disgusting!
Yes, it is true that some old chassidim used non-jewish tunes occasionally, but the difference is that those old European folk tunes were actually very nice, slow moving songs. The goyish music nowadays is a bunch of animals talking very fast about extremely innapropriate themes. And its one thing to put out a "jewish" cd with these tunes,another to "compose a beautiful, heartwarming song dedicated to the chassan and kallah to enhance their simcha (yeah right). And to dance like a bunch of goyim at a pub at such an otherwise event filled with kedushah?! Hashem yishmireinu veyatzileinu m'chukos h"amim may we be zocheh to greet mashiach tzidkeinu
in response to yak fink -- that was my original point,
i am not against using a non jewish song/ folk song for a niggun or something with a jewish taste
but when a few years ago i heard that `na na nachman` techno song (clear rip-off of a well known non jewish song)... that is when i realised that it was being taken to a far different level than for example, mbd`s yidden, or piamenta`s asher bora (both sampled off non jewish songs), i mean the way you get a crowd of idiots jumping up and down like meshungenas at a rock concert going `oi oi oi `... - seriously? and jewish music has become like that now.. its all about the techno and remixes, and its just abysmal!
even the so called `stars` now rely on autotune and `music videos`.. (when was the last time mbd, or sharabi, or fried, or dedi or williger needed to bring out a `music video`...
yet we are told to `accept it as the modern era of jewish music`... if this is the `modern era of jewish music... then i shudder!
there is NOTHING wrong with lively funky music - heck my favourite jewish songs are ones with lots of funk bass and guitar hooks... but this new culture of dancing up and down like meshugenas at concerts, and making meaningless techno songs which sound like they are blasting from a shvarzer taxi driver`s car.... is absolutly disgusting!
and yes we, the people who have spent thousands on jewish music over the decades, have a RIGHT to voice our opinion
ive come to the conclusion that gruntig posts a lot of this just for the web traffic and controversy - he cant possibly find this as `kosher entertainment`
Hashem Yerachem!!!!!!
Pleawe remove this video
I second that. Nebuch
Hashem we need Moshiach we arent holding on!
yu yu what do you think happend with the bucherim that get throwen out of yesheva for stupidity? this!!!! take a good look this is the future its only getting worse not better
This is mamash a disgrace !
Such a Chillul Hashem !
If they think this is called Simcha, then we're in a real "Shval Hamatzav"
Hashem, please bring all your children back !
Sicking what a disgrace, and not a black hat guy these shtrimel guys are out of hand
Oy Vay
people wake up and smell the coffe its 2012 stuff change! the world is not the same as it use to be.
there is nothing wrong with using non jewish music for a jewish theme - mbd did it, and many chassidish niggunim have done it in the terms of old european folk songs!
however the dancing like a yob off the street at, and the barely unrecognisable style of singing and music.. theres a difference between that and how some jewish music sounds these days
this video is saying to the goyim `we want to be like you`...
remember what happened the last time this happened?
chas v`sholom
bli ayin hora of course
this is simcha!!!!!!!!
Yes, it is true that some old chassidim used non-jewish tunes occasionally, but the difference is that those old European folk tunes were actually very nice, slow moving songs. The goyish music nowadays is a bunch of animals talking very fast about extremely innapropriate themes. And its one thing to put out a "jewish" cd with these tunes,another to "compose a beautiful, heartwarming song dedicated to the chassan and kallah to enhance their simcha (yeah right). And to dance like a bunch of goyim at a pub at such an otherwise event filled with kedushah?! Hashem yishmireinu veyatzileinu m'chukos h"amim may we be zocheh to greet mashiach tzidkeinu
in response to yak fink --
that was my original point,
i am not against using a non jewish song/ folk song for a niggun or something with a jewish taste
but when a few years ago i heard that `na na nachman` techno song (clear rip-off of a well known non jewish song)... that is when i realised that it was being taken to a far different level than for example, mbd`s yidden, or piamenta`s asher bora (both sampled off non jewish songs), i mean the way you get a crowd of idiots jumping up and down like meshungenas at a rock concert going `oi oi oi `... - seriously?
and jewish music has become like that now.. its all about the techno and remixes, and its just abysmal!
even the so called `stars` now rely on autotune and `music videos`.. (when was the last time mbd, or sharabi, or fried, or dedi or williger needed to bring out a `music video`...
yet we are told to `accept it as the modern era of jewish music`...
if this is the `modern era of jewish music... then i shudder!
there is NOTHING wrong with lively funky music - heck my favourite jewish songs are ones with lots of funk bass and guitar hooks...
but this new culture of dancing up and down like meshugenas at concerts, and making meaningless techno songs which sound like they are blasting from a shvarzer taxi driver`s car.... is absolutly disgusting!
and yes we, the people who have spent thousands on jewish music over the decades, have a RIGHT to voice our opinion
ive come to the conclusion that gruntig posts a lot of this just for the web traffic and controversy - he cant possibly find this as `kosher entertainment`
please what is wrong with these boys!! weddings shud not look like this!
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