Thursday, November 29, 2012

Lipa Piamenta & Zigelboum Entertain at Wedding

7 video of Lipa Schmeltzer, Yossi Piamenta and Yoni Zigelboum singing and entertaining at a recent wedding.

Yossi Piaments singing his famous Asher Bara.

Lipa doing his Mizrach dance at a wedding

Lipa singing Kevodo

Lipa - Vehiskin and Hafachta

Lipa - Hafachta, The latest viral Chabad Nigun, Hentelach and more.

Lipa Schmeltzer with Yoni Zigelboum.

Lipa Singing Mazal Tov


Anonymous said...

what's the idea of singing non jewish music????

Anonymous said...

Actually look how Lipa struggles not to sing non Jewish music כל הכבוד Lipa

Anonymous said...

This looks like a really great wedding. Mazel tov

Anonymous said...

god bless all the harrys!!up north south west and east ....god bess u harrys you all rock and are very gershmak.whats the defanition of a harry ?somone who has 2 pairs of sneakers one for weekday and one for shabbas..and the baller harrys has one for yomtov

Anonymous said...

Such a load of rubbish, what are you on about?