Saturday, September 08, 2012

First Night of Slichos In Israel and Manchester

Slichos with Chazan Chaim Adler. At The Jerusalem Great Synagogue, Motzei Shabbos, September 8, 2012. With maestro Elly Jaffe directing choir.

Cantor Chaim Adler, part 1.

Cantor Chaim Adler, part 2.

Cantor Chaim Adler Al Tashlicheinu.

Cantor Chaim Adler ending Kaddish.

Chazan Rafi Muller together with the Sameach Choir led by Buchi Gluck at first night of Selichos. At the Stenecourt Synagogue in Manchester, England.

Jews of all colors gathered by the Kosel on in the early hours of Sunday morning for the start of selichos in the week preceding rosh hashana. HaRav Addas and HaRav Levi were among the rabbonim who lead the selichos on motzei shabbos, gathering large crowds.

Carlibach Slichot with Yitzchak Meir in Israel.

In Beit Kneses Beit El

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