Sunday, June 17, 2012

Chassidic Rapper "Describe" Sings At A Bar Mitzvah

Shneur Hasofer A.K.A. DeScribe, entertaining the crowd at a Bar Mitzva with his new hit song "Stay Strong" .


Anonymous said...

is this guy matisyahu's brother? such a beautiful niggun, with a yiddish taam. what perek tehilim can i find the words?

Anonymous said...

Chillul Hashem. I have no more to say.

Josh said...

Um...the perfect role model for every bar mitzvah boy.

Open Minded said...

Many consider songs with English lyrics to be “goyish”. This should not be the case. A song should be judged on the content, not the language in which it is written. The same way many Jewish educational establishments have adopted the “smart board” system, using technological advancements to their advantage in chinuch, it is time for Jewish music to do the same, and use a new approach to transform itself, if not for the enjoyment of our adults, than for the souls of our youths.

Read more:

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