Monday, June 25, 2012

Abie Rotenberg at Chai Lifeline Niagara Trip for Teens

Abie Rotenberg sings for the teens of Chai Lifeline on Motzei Shabbos, June 16th.

A group of teenage boys battling cancer, from across North America, partied on a six day trip to Niagara Falls, NY, & Toronto, Canada. This was the fourth annual Journeys Trip for teens with cancer. Previous destinations include Washington, D.C. & Virginia. Many thanks to Abie, all the musicians, and the Shiff family for hosting.

Many thanks to the Clanton Park Synagogue and community for hosting our group for Shabbat. Special thanks to Abie Rotenberg, the Shiff Family, Canada's Wonderland, Nightmares Fear Factory, IMAX Niagara & Daredevil Museum, Fort George, Niagara Parks Butterfly Conservatory, Maid of the Mist, and Sheraton on the Falls for their generosity.

The trip was sponsored through donations to Chai Lifeline in memory of Natan Warmflash OBM (2009 & 2010 trip participant), in memory of Noah Foxman OBM, & by Chai Lifeline Canada.

Since 1987, Chai Lifeline and its affiliates' mission has been to restore the light of childhood to children whose innocence ended when life-threatening or lifelong illness was diagnosed.

Through programs that address the emotional, social, and financial needs of seriously ill children, their families, and communities, Chai Lifeline restores normalcy to family life, and better enables families to withstand the crises and challenges of serious pediatric illness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this beautiful event. May we merit the geula when children shall no longer suffer and Natan zt"l and Noah z"l will dance with us once again.