Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Lag Baomer in Israel

This clip of Meron is not from this year, but the rest of the clips in this post are.
Click Here For More
Miron 5772


Meiah Shearim


Lag Baomer 5772 In Toldos Aharon 

Lag Baomer 5772 In Toldos Aharon

Lag Baomer 5772 In Toldos Aharon

More of Meron

Lag Baomer 5772 In Dushinsky, Yerushalayim, Israel.

Lag Baomer 5772 With Breslav's Rabbi Shechter, Israel.

Lag Baomer 5772 In Lelov, Israel.

Lag Baomer 5772 In Toldos Avrohom Yitschok, Israel.

Lag Baomer 5772 In Slonim

Lag B'Omer at the Kosel.

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