Thursday, May 10, 2012

Lag Baomer 5772 at Kehilos Around the World

Lag Baomer 5772 with the Rachmastrivka Rebbe.

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Bobover Rebbe Rav Shlomo Halberstam Zt"l, Lighting a Bonfire in Miron. Lag BaOmer 1993.

Hornosteipel - Flatbush

Stolin - Boro Park

Satmar - Kiryas Joel

At the Stoliner Shul in Monsey, NY.

Lag Bomer Parade by Chabad, in Paris, France.

Satmar Dayen in Lakewood, NJ, Rav Chaim Rotel being given out at Satmar and singing the songs of Lag Bomer.

Lag Baomer Bonfire with Rabbi Horowitz and Rabbi Twerskei in Crown Heights.

Nice footage from Miron, 5772/2012.

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