Thursday, May 10, 2012

Coming Soon "Shloime Taussig 2" Preview

Three years after the release of his debut album "Modim Anachnu," Shloime Taussig returns with his all-new "Taussig 2." Taussig 2 includes twelve songs, with contributions from composers including Yossi Green, Lipa Schmeltzer, Pinky Weber, Yitzy Waldner, Ruli Ezrachi, Eli Cohen and Motty Ilowitz. The album also includes a  bonus track, featuring all-new arrangements for Taussig's popular single "L'Hashem Haaretz Umloah" composed by Yitzchok Fuchs. The new album is due out Shavuos time and will be distributed by Aderet Music.

Below is a preview of one of the track form the new record.

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