Sunday, March 11, 2012

Purim 5772 Around the World Part 2

Click here for Purim 5772 Around the World Part 1.

Video by the Jerusalem Post of the ultra-Orthodox neighbourhood of Meah She'arim as it gets loud and festive in celebration of Purim.

From one Chabad tune to another during Purim night in the BMG dining room with the brodt family.

Purim in Leluv singing the Chabad nigun made popular by Bery Weber.

Purim in Meah Shearim and talking about Monsey.
 Yerushalmi kid smoking on Purim in his hometown.

 A group of boys on the way to the hospital to make people happy on Purim.

More of Purim night in the BMG dining room with the brodt family.

 Singing the popular Shoshanas Yaakov in the Mir Yrushalyim Yeshiva after Megilla.

 The crowd at the Mir Yrushalyim Yeshiva goes wild after the Baal Koreh reads "Vayitlu Haman Al Haetz!"

 The crowd at the Aish goes wild after the Baal Koreh reads "Vayitlu Haman Al Haetz!"

 Drunkard sleeping on Meah Shearim Streets

 Purim night in the streets of Bnei Brak, Israel.

 The Mir of Brooklyn's 11th grade boys partying in a Limo.

 More of the Brooklyn Mir boys.

 Purim Dance in Bnei Brak

Purim in the Pletzel, the old Jewish Ghetto in Paris, France. The heart of Jewish Paris is the Pletzel, a Yiddish name for the old 13th century Jewish quarter found in the Marais district.

Purim in Stolin, Monsey.

 Purim carnival in the holy city of Chevron.

 Dancing Yeshiva Bochurem.

Purim fun in a shteibel.

 More Purim fun in a shteibel.

 Purim 5772 on Moshav Matityahu Purim Manchester.

From the author: "Meet the potatoheads, not your average family next door! This video was originally intended to be shared with friends and family only. It was made over 3 days, mostly shooting against a green screen in our living room (hence the messy matte and sloppy editing mistakes). After many complaints of not being able to view the video elsewhere, I decided to post publicly on youtube.

Providence (RI) Journal video by Mary Murph

Purim in Beit Shemesh: Mishloac Manot Promotes Unity

Purim Tish in Meah Shearim

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