Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Bonei Olam Presentation: Damon & Mezamrim Choir

A Beautiful heartfelt music Presentation by Chasidic Belzer singer Rabbi Yirmeyah Damon, aAccompanied by the Mezamrim Choir led by Chilu Posen with a child soloist at the Bonei Olam dinner. Fabruary 21, 2012. Ateres Avrohom Hall in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY.

Yiddish lyrics: Shia Burich Gross and Yoel Weberman
Music: Avrumi Berko and Dovi Tessler
Filmed & Edited: Neumann Media Studios

1 comment:

Blogy said...

very hartzig, but i fell asleep in the middle why so long