Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"When It's Not Friday" at Mesivta Lubavitch Chicago

A video created for the Lubavticher Mesivta of Chicago's Mivtzoim dinner, year 5770.

In all Chabad Yeshivos around the world, the free time of Friday afternoon is spent by going to visit Jewish people at their respective offices or homes. The boys put Tefillin on the men, distribute Shabbos candles to the women and inspire them both with a Devar Torah on the Parsha. This is what they call "Mivtzoim."

At the end of the School year,  the Lubavticher Mesivta of Chicago made a dinner, hosting all their "Friday friends" and created this video presentation in their honor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GO CHABAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!