Monday, February 27, 2012

A Story - The Lubavitcher Rebbe and a Mirer Talmid

An excerpt from a recent My Encounter with the Lubavticher Rebbe interview withi Rabbi Hirshel Chitrik, OBM. The interview was conducted on January 14, 2009.


Anonymous said...

What is the point of the story? That the Rebbe was a Tzadik? This we know. That the Rebbe could bring someone a yeshua? This we also know.

What are the rest of us supposed to take from this story? What about those who didn't receive a "miracle"?

What about the whole world that's still in galus?

What are we to take from this story???

I am not being chutzpadik. It's a sincere question.

Anonymous said...

the message is Uledovko boi.... its a mitzvah deorassya