Sunday, February 12, 2012

Music Video - Yisroel Werdyger Sings for Oz Vehadar

I found the video to be extremely emotional until i realized its purpose was to endorse a certain publication.

The two issues that disturbed me in this video: A) The video begins as a heart-wrenching story and then the Mesivata Gemara arrives and saves the day! Easier said than done! B) The Mesivta Gemara is some tremendous work, not only for the unlearned, as portrayed in this video.


Anonymous said...

extremely emotional ! and what happend after you realized.... you became un-emotional ?

Blogy said...

let me ask you ever saw a music video that doesn't have a message

Anonymous said...

Great video, with a message, and it is just showing that everyone can learn gemorah

Anonymous said...

Story is great. It's a pity that it is commercialized.

Anonymous said...

im sorry i dont understand yiddish so i dont know wat the song is talking about ! so plz can some one transalate it into english thanx!