Friday, February 24, 2012

משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחה

Mishenichnas Adar Marbin Besimcha. Words from the wise.


Anonymous said...

let me ask you young kid you think the we came down to this world to be happy all day ?

mosh said...

he's got a point

Anonymous said...

the reason he dosen't see them telling him to be happy in shiul, is because, he dosen't go to shul.

Shloimo Seskutov said...

don't you know this "Yvdu es Ashem besimcha", that's what Ashem wants from every single jew. So if you unhappy - it's actually a big problem, it's even young "kid" knows that

Anonymous said...

Hay people, stop with the judging. I know him personally and he's the nicest guy in the world. He would never hurt a fly

Anonymous said...

Learn the Sicha that the Lubavitcher Rebbe said about "Mishenichnas Av..." and "Mishenichnas Adar..."
I think you'll really enjoy it

Anonymous said...

happiness comes from within. external silliness is not true happiness.

Anonymous said...

All this guy is saying is be happy what's so hard to understand. And yeah if most of the pple would walk around with a smile moshiach would of been here by now

Anonymous said...

That's the מרבין בשמחה of chodesh Adar the joy from within is overflowing