Tuesday, February 14, 2012

America's Hidden Culture - The Oprah Winfrey Network

The Ginsberg family [from Boro Park], Shterna, Aron and their nine children, invite Oprah to join them for a traditional Jewish meal of gefilte fish, matzo ball soup, potato kugel and challah bread. During the meal, Oprah asks the children about growing up without television and test their pop culture knowledge. Plus, Shterna and Oprah share an aha! moment.

Shterna and Aron Ginsberg, parents of nine children with one more on the way, share how humbled they feel when they look around the dinner table. Plus, why Shterna says each child brings more light into her life and into the world.

Shterna and Aron Ginsberg, a Hasidic couple who invited Oprah into their home, clear up a common misconception and share their views of other religions, including Christianity and Islam.

Hasidic couple Shterna and Aron Ginsberg show Oprah how they honor Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, one of their greatest spiritual leaders, in their Brooklyn, New York, home.

Dinah Abrahamson tells Oprah about the mystical side of her faith, Hasidic Judaism. Plus, find out what the heart on her necklace symbolizes.

Dinah Abrahamson, a Hasidic Jew living in Brooklyn, New York, says she looks forward to the Shabbos, the Jewish day of rest, throughout the week. Find out why Friday night is a profound time for Dinah and her family.

The Ginsbergs, a Hasidic family living in Brooklyn, New York, sit around the dinner table with Oprah and discuss what their faith means to them. Plus, find out why they say Hasidic Jews—young and old alike—strive to touch lives and make the world a better place.

Every week, from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday, the Hasidic people celebrate the Sabbath. In keeping with ancient Jewish traditions, they can't do anything they believe creates work—like drive or talk on the phone—for 24 hours. Aron and Shterna Ginsberg, a Hasidic couple, explain the importance of the Sabbath to Oprah. Then, after Shterna catches Oprah sneaking a peek at her wig, she reveals why Hasidic women cover their hair at all times.

They're a minority within a minority. Oprah sits down with Dinah Abrahamson and her children, Sarah and Yosef, one of few black Hasidic families. Find out how they became members of this close-knit community.

Sarah and Yosef may be different races, but they say their shared Hasidic faith, traditions and values transcend color. Watch as these newlyweds explain how they met and why race was never an issue.

The Abrahamsons, one of few black Hasidic families, discuss the challenges they face within their community and in the world. Plus, what is it like to be an interracial Hasidic couple? Sarah and her husband Yosef open up about friends and co-workers' reactions.

Before Brocha was a Hasidic wife and mother, she was an alternative radio DJ who says music, TV and media were her life. Find out why she gave it all up for her faith...and how her family reacted to her decision.

With no television, Internet access or video game system in the home, Shterna, Toby, Chaya and Brocha, four Hasidic women who have 32 children between them, say their sons and daughters have learned to entertain themselves. Watch as these moms discuss the educational, imaginative ways their children pass the time.

Like most single people around the world, Hasidic men and women of marrying age are in search of a soul mate who shares the same values and ideals. Love, on the other hand, sometimes comes later. Shterna, Toby, Chaya and Brocha, four married Hasidic women living in Brooklyn, New York, discuss dating, matchmaking and more.

In keeping with Hasidic tradition, men and women are rarely seen together outside the home, and they never touch in public. Men are also separated from women in the synagogue, on buses and during wedding celebrations. Outsiders may think women have a subservient role, but Shterna, Toby, Chaya and Brocha, four Hasidic wives and mothers, tell Oprah that women are the foundation of the home and equal partners.

In July 2011, Brooklyn's tight-knit Hasidic community was forever changed when Leiby Kletzky, an 8-year-old Hasidic boy, went missing while walking home from day camp and was found murdered. Levi Aron, a non-Hasidic Jew who lived two blocks from Oprah's interview location, was arrested on first-degree murder charges. He's pled not guilty. Watch as Shterna, Toby, Chaya and Brocha, four Hasidic women from the same community, discuss their shock and sadness.


Anonymous said...

none of these videos i can see outside the us


a crown heights resident said...

I think its the most boring and fake thing i ever saw.First of all which kid today didnt hear of mickey mouse? thats a blatant lie,to try to look more sheltered.
Second of all,leave the rebbe out of it.He wouldnt want it and its about judaism not chabad.
And third of all,all frum woman cover their hair not just hasidic ones.

Anonymous said...

there is so much chein in this family.
something so pure and old school about them.

Anonymous said...

but at least they knew about Oprah?

Anonymous said...

its such bull***** your going to tell me that there is no blackberry in that house and that the buchrim dont have a tava 4 girls bull**** and even tho they dont have a tv they still know who micky mouse is........ ppl they live in crown hights the worst stuff go on there ok wake up and smell the coffee i dont like this video it make's all jews look blurr

Anonymous said...

is there away i can see the whole show at ones it's going to my nerves to click on so many videos

Blogy said...

i don't know why this explaining to a non jew all our religious traditions was done ! but if only one jew will come back and get closer to god it's all worth it

Lucky Wolf said...

"none of these videos i can see outside the us

Use a US proxy, that will allow you to view them.

Broken said...

this is absurd ! rabbi ginsberg principal of gan yisroel is known to be very strict on accepting children from houses that have TV or Computer and he him self is on TV !!!

Anonymous said...

Hay 16 year old, do you know what a TV is? umm no, I think people talk there. Stop with the non sense don't make all of us look dumb and stupid!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You all fail to realize they dont live in CROWN HEIGHTS THEY LIVE IN BORO PARK!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a really nice family, but i agree with all the previous posts. LOOKS WAY TO FAKE AND PUT ON!!

Anonymous said...

one word "FAKE"

Anonymous said...

k im sorry but all of u that said bad your WRONGGGG i know one of the girls and they really do not know nething!!!! and i think thats acctually really cool!!!! i really respect this family

Stop the cynicism said...

Lets step back for a second and look from afar. do they know what a TV is? yes. Do they know exactly what goes on on a TV? Probably, not necessarily. Should they blur the image of what CHASSIDIC LIFE is, by saying yes we know about all these shtussim because the crown heights community is falling apart and we are seeing more and more teens frying out? certainly not! its not for everyone on the planet to know that hassidic jews are suffering major assimilation, what they could/should know is what ideal chassidic life is all about.
very nice in my opinion and anyone in the world with a half open mind im sure wouldnt think we are all stupid, rather we are a very old-school, healthy lifestyle.

to "Broken" said...

That has nothing to do with his personal stringency/chassidic practice of not having TV at home.
He is an open-minded, accepting person as a shliach of the rebbe, and his acceptance does not reflect his own ways of living

Anonymous said...

One thing came actross extremly unbelievable and that was when she said "aha moment" claiming not to know what this expression means to Oprah. Im not sayong she has watched oprah, but also do not believ thar oprah uses it. She must have been told about this, to use this reference like that. Its silly that she denied knowing of it (of course it could be an amazing co-incidence and im wrong.... :s )
Other than that i thoroughly enjoyed, especialy te four women at the end - this is how i truly feel and i WISH kids would be taught these concepts in school and not the "follow me blindly or ur an apikores" attitude sadly so many ppl have....

Anonymous said...

Soooooooooo embarrassing!! 1ST she forsure knows these must be totally strict people bc look at matisyahu(when frum) and all the other famous people.. iw would luv to go on her sow and tell her they are strict(which is good) but ya i know who mickey is and ya i know who beyonce is and miley cirus.. every raises their kids differently.. and ya i have an itouch and cell........... uchh this pisses me off!!!!