Sunday, January 01, 2012

Chareidim Protest Unfair Treatment

Over a thousand ultra-Orthodox men assembled Saturday night in Jerusalem’s Kikar Hashabbat (Sabbath Square), in protest of what they termed the exclusion of Haredim, a response to the recent outrage over the exclusion of women in Beit Shemesh and elsewhere. Some of the protesters are wearing yellow badges, with which they mean to express that they are being persecuted for their Jewishness.


Michael Sedley said...

Absolutely disgsuting that they use Holocaust imagry in their demonstration.

yoel said...

This is sick.......

Anonymous said...

a bunch of low life's you don't play around with this

Anonymous said...

i dont understand this whole rivalry thing with the chassidim thats been going on in Israel.
can somebody please explain to me??!!

Anonymous said...

agreed. just what i was thinking. they should be put in cherem

Anonymous said...

the question is - who got paid for their "protest"?

Anonymous said...

what is wrong with all you haters? i'm glad i have never actually met trols like you who hate their brothers in pain.

Anonymous said...

Tremendous Chilul Hashem-My grandparents did not survive the Holocaust to have Jewish people voluntarily put the yellow star back on. Oy vey, oy vey.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree...a tremendous Chilul Hashem. While I didn't understand the language, the images are deeply insulting and disrespectful! They are essentially mocking the holocaust. How dare they compare their lives like that! No respect!