Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Singing The Shiur

Rabbi Dovid Weinberg composed a brand new tune including the words of Mishna Sanhedrin 3:3 - the Mishnah his Shiur is learning now.

ואלו הן הפסולין , המשחק בקוביה, והמלוה ברבית, ומפריחי יונים, וסוחרי שביעית.
אמר רבי שמעון, בתחלה היו קורין אותן אוספי שביעית.
משרבו האנסין, חזרו לקרותן סוחרי שביעית.
אמר רבי יהודה , אימתי, בזמן שאין להם אמנות אלא היא, אבל יש להן אמנות שלא היא, כשרין.


Blogy said...

we did that when we were 3 years old we have that aleph bais song

chez said...

Amazing!!! It's a pleasure to see a rebbe who can engage an entire classroom full of students!!! Mazal tov!

Kluger said...

The teacher does realize that his punctuation is all wrong, and he is teaching it to his students wrong.

sam said...

...if only I had a Rebbi like that when I was in Yeshiva...I might still be learning now...

Anonymous said...

what punctuation is wrong? The only debatable thing is the word היא which is the girsa in the mishnayos...

Kluger said...

Punctuation not pronunciation.